August and September Highlights: Hello Fall!

As we move into fall, you can tell from the changing leaves and chilly mornings that a new season is upon us. With this shift comes the task of putting away our summer things, embracing warmer layers, cozying up with a good book on stormy days, and yes, starting to think about the upcoming holidays.
But before we get too ahead of ourselves, let's take a moment to reminisce about the end of summer.
What's New:
This September, I completed a personal challenge known as 75 Hard. I enjoy testing my discipline, and this challenge certainly did the trick. It involved completing a set of seven daily tasks, and achieving them gave me a great sense of accomplishment. I highly recommend trying something similar—it's a fantastic way to strengthen your mind.
A Book I Read:
With 75 Hard came reading 10+ pages of a self-development/non-fiction book. A book I completed during the challenge was "Discipline Is Destiny". It was a joy to read, easy to digest, and part of a series I hope to continue reading (although, I'm taking a break with something lighter for now).
Recent Finds:
As we make our way into fall, I have been loving browsing for new styles. Some of my favorites have inspired upcoming blog posts that I'm currently working on. Here's a sneak peek of what's to come (*and yes, there will be color scheme differentiation)!
Recipes I Want to Try:
With the changing weather here in Sun Valley, I have been inspired to tackle some new soup recipes this season -- hopefully, this week. A favorite of mine is always butternut squash, so I plan on making this one and experimenting with a few others. I'll be sure to share my favorites to inspire you to cozy up with a delicious bowl.
Happy Fall!
- Caroline